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About us

Our Pastors:
Brent Loveless
Mitchell Crittenden
Jason Pace

Assistant Pastor

Tyler McFate
Josiah Matangi

Asian Indian Ministry/Assistant Pastor

God's Simple Plan of Salvation 

Our Need

First, you must realize that you need to be saved. You need to be saved because your sins place you under the condemnation of God.

"For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). "For the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23)

Our Futility

Second, you must realize that you cannot save yourself by doing good works or performing various religious rites. 

"Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us" (Titus 3:5).

Christ's Payment 

Third, you must realize that Jesus Christ paid the penalty for your sins by dying on the cross in your place. He did not deserve to die, because as the Son of God, He had lived a perfectly holy life. He was not crucified for His own sins but for ours. 

"But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

Our Response

Finally, you must believe that Jesus died for you and ask Him to save you from your sins. 

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved... For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:9, 13).

If you have any questions concerning salvation or any other spiritual needs, please contact us through this website or by phone.

What we Believe:


Deuteronomy 6:4

I Timothy 1:17
James 1:17 

I John 4:4

We believe in one God; Who is eternal, self-existent, infinite, and immutable. We believe He has one nature, one essence, and one substance; yet manifests Himself to man in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Church 

Hebrews 10:25

Matthew 28:19-20

We believe that the church began with the calling out of the twelve apostles by Jesus Christ and was empowered on the day of Pentecost. We believe the local church is composed of members who have been saved and baptized according to the command of Christ, and have voluntarily united together for the purposes of worship, fellowship, service, and observance of the ordinances of baptism and communion. It is a local group of baptized believers who are called to worship God, encourage one another, and evangelize the world.


I Timothy 3:16-17

I Peter 1:20-21

The Bible is the inerrant, inspired Word of God and it is our final authority in all matters of faith and practice. For reasons of textual reliability, we exclusively use the King James Version.


Genesis 2:16-17

Romans 3:10-23, 6:23

Man was created in God's image, but fell due to sin, bringing physical and spiritual death, or eternal separation from God. Now, all mankind exists as a fallen race with an inherited sinful nature that causes us to be at enmity with God.


I Corinthians 15:3-4

Acts 1:9

Jesus lived a sinless life and died on the cross for the sins of the world. He arose from the grave on the third day and later ascended into heaven where He now sits on the right hand of God, the Father.


Romans 6:4-5

Baptism (immersion in water) identifies a believer with Jesus Christ. It does not save, but is a symbol of salvation.

The Bible

Psalm 12:6-7

II Timothy 3:15-17

I Peter 1:23-24

II Peter 1:19-21

We believe the Bible to be the revealed Word of God, fully and verbally inspired of God. We believe the Scriptures to be the inerrant, infallible Word of God, as found within the 66 books from Genesis to Revelation. We believe that God not only inspired every word, but that He has preserved them through the ages.


Isaiah 7:14, 9:6

John 1:1, 1:3, 14, 18

Romans 3:19-25

I Timothy 2:5, 3:16

I Peter 1:19, 2:2

Revelation 20:1-6


We believe Jesus Christ to be the one and only Saviour of mankind. We believe Jesus Christ to be eternally God and to possess all the attributes of Deity. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was virgin-born, that He was God incarnate, and that the purposes of the incarnation were to reveal God, to redeem men, and to rule over God's kingdom.


I Corinthians 8:6

Ephesians 4:6

I John 5:7

God is a Person, eternally existing as a trinity in unity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - three Persons, yet one God.

Virgin Birth

Matthew 1:23

Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary and is the very Son of God.


Ephesians 2:8-9

John 3:16

The salvation of the sinner is obtainable because of the grace of God. It is received by simple faith in the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ. It is a free gift offered by God to every individual. It cannot be earned, only received.

Eternal Security

I Timothy 1:12

John 10:28

It is the power of God that keeps men eternally secure. Man cannot gain salvation by his works, neither can he lose it because of his works.


II Corinthians 6:17

Christians are called to separation from worldly, sinful practices, unto a life of usefulness for Christ.

our History:

North Valley Baptist Church was started by Pastor Calvin Blanton in the downtown area of Phoenix, Arizona, in 1956. For twenty-eight years Pastor Blanton faithfully led his congregation until he was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor in 1984. Shortly afterward, Pastor David Hahn became the pastor. Then in 1989, Pastor Hahn resigned, and Pastor Jack Strickland took the church. During his sixteen years of pastoring, the church added a fellowship hall and youth building, and became active in missions and local church planting.


In 2005, Pastor Strickland retired and the church called Brent Loveless to be their pastor. Pastor Loveless is a native of Oklahoma and was called to preach while attending Eastland Baptist Church in Tulsa.

After graduating from Bible college and interning at a church for three years, Pastor Loveless started a new church in the small community of Coweta, Oklahoma. He pastored there for eight and a half years before God led him to take the pastorate of North Valley Baptist Church in April of 2005.


Since then the Lord has blessed, and the church has grown numerically. When Pastor Loveless took the church, it was averaging about ninety-five in attendance and the facilities were sound but dated. He immediately instituted an outreach program and God began to bless. The church has seen steady growth throughout the past several years and God has also allowed the church to complete several updates to the property and its facilities. In addition the church has had the privilege of financially supporting and helping in the ministry of many church plants in the area as well as several missionaries world wide totaling to over 50 ministries that are supported.



North Valley
Baptist Church



2109 E. Rose Garden Lane, 

Phoenix, Arizona 85024


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